Email is sometimes considered to be out of date or unfashionable as a marketing choice. This couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, email marketing is consistently shown to be the most cost-effective marketing method.

The success of email marketing is astounding, given the generic scattershot approach marketers have been forced to take in the past. Artificial intelligence is demonstrating its usefulness to email marketers, particularly when used for data analysis and personalisation strategies.

Why AI is the future of email marketing?

The advances that AI can offer for tailored and effective email marketing outstrip any efforts that could be made manually, for speed, effectiveness and cost. Email is also 40 times more effective at gaining new customers than common social media channels.

Here are 5 reasons why AI is the future of email marketing.

Scheduled emails

Emails used to be sent at a time convenient to the sender, not to the intended recipient. Programs that allowed marketers to schedule emails were still often hamstrung by time zone differences that could not be accounted for. AI and machine learning can now analyse when emails are opened most frequently and can tailor timeframes so that emails arrive within the optimum engagement window.

Content personalisation

Blasting your list with identical emails used to be the only way to reach out to your market. Changes in email management programs allowed for names to be personalised but little else. AI can use large scale data analysis to understand how individuals on your list interact with your content. Subject lines, content and calls to action can all be tailored for maximum impact. Even images can be optimised.

Smart content creation

Your emails can combine the results of data analysis with machine learning to have original content created for your email list subscribers. AI can study natural language and combine very effective sales copy with the understanding of what has led to high click-through rates (CTR) in past campaigns. This approach creates copy that looks as if it was written by humans but actually requires very little input and has resulted in significant CTR increases. This can help conversion rates, and it can also save you a significant amount of time, as you are required only to review much of the content rather than create it.

Increase click-through rate

It’s said that the average click-through rate (CTR) for emails is less than 3%. That’s a shockingly low number, but also consider that email marketing is one of the cheapest and most effective marketing strategies out there (yes, even more effective than social media channels when it comes to making sales). Imagine if you could convert your average CTR to 5-6%. Such small figures can increase sales by a significant margin. Emails can even be adapted mid-rollout as initial CTR data comes in to further optimise the success of the campaign.

Saves you time

As the capabilities of both artificial intelligence and machine learning increases, there is increasingly little for marketers to do in terms of copy creation. Overseeing the campaign and monitoring sales becomes the main priority. This frees up time to be invested in other ventures, product creation and customer service.