Gamification is the biggest buzzword in the online space right now and with good reason. Converting standard user experiences into gaming opportunities translates very well in two areas: training and sales. 

E-commerce traders can take a significant boost in sales through integrating gamification techniques in the customer experience. Don’t feel obliged to convert your online store into an immersive gaming experience. Harness the key principles that engage players and encourage them to play.

Motivation, ability, trigger

Gamification works by adapting an online experience to include psychological elements that encourage certain behaviours. A very common example is the simple points per dollar spent initiative. Customers are encouraged to score more points by spending more money. The rewards should be perceived as worthwhile, but often the thrill of collecting points is enough to motivate higher spending.

Bidding, FOMO and random rewards

eBay is a master at gamifying it’s user experience. As bidding timers count down, users are motivated to act in order to score the item. The fear of missing out is heightened so customers are driven to spend higher amounts than may be spent under other circumstances. Some e-commerce traders offer daily timed deals. The limited stock and availability timeframes drives customers to monitor the website for the new releases so they don’t miss out. Mystery boxes and randomly selected gifts or giveaways also draws customers to spend in order to play. Remember that the actual giveaways don’t have to be overly expensive, but they must be attractive enough to entice interaction.

Behaviour modification

Gamification can work surprisingly well to encourage changes in consumer behaviour. Google made headlines when it started to reward its employees for filing their business expenses on time. The faster they filed the more points they scored. The points were able to be cashed in for significant and relevant rewards. If you’re interested in encouraging consumers to share reviews, post on social media, spend over a certain dollar threshold or take other measurable action, give them a clear reward for doing so. 

Gamification techniques are invaluable for your e-commerce business. Think about times you may have engaged with them yourself as a consumer. They can be surprisingly powerful motivators. When gamification works you will see a significant increase in sales.