Businesses are operating in mobile spaces more often than ever. Location independent e-commerce traders and those who choose to operate on mobile devices can sometimes be limited in their ability to achieve their marketing outcomes.

Social media leader Facebook has recognised this challenge and seeks to help ambitious marketers to get high-quality ads published from their mobile Facebook Ads Manager app platform.

Facebook Ads Manager app has been in operation for the last three years, allowing entrepreneurs to manage and monitor their advertising needs on the go. 

The statistics, feedback and analysis are incredible, allowing Facebook Ads account holders to alter campaigns according to real time data. The newly released suite of creative tools elevates the app to an entirely new level. 

  • Image cropper: Choose the right image and draw the focus to the highlights by cropping visual clutter.
  • Templates: Rely on proven templates to produce professional looking ads easily and customise as you see fit.
  • Shapes, stickers and logos: Add your brand logo and personalise your message with stickers, shapes and text.
  • Colour filters: Tweak your ad images by exploring filters to give you the best chance of being noticed.
  • Text overlay and text policy checker: Overlay text onto your ad, and select the right combination of size, font and opacity. You’ll also automatically be notified if your text does not meet Facebook’s text length policy.

If you decide to use the Facebook Ads Manager app to schedule, post and analyse your social media advertising campaign, don’t forget to utilise the ability to cross-post your ads to Facebook’s other social media platform, Instagram. 

With very little alteration, you can use the content you’ve generated for Facebook and reach a whole new subset of potential customers. You don’t even need an Instagram account to publish your ads, as traffic will be directed to your Facebook business page. 

Both Facebook and Instagram have engaged audiences, but Instagram where people go to discover new products and services. Using one single app to manage your campaigns will deliver a powerfully smooth experience for you as an ecommerce trader and will offer consistently high-quality content for your audience.